
Wednesday, 20 March 2019

Excel Shortcuts - Split Forename and Surname

  • Finding the Middle name

Full Name
Middle Name
Alan David Jones
Bob John Smith
Carol Susan Williams
 =LEFT(RIGHT(C45,LEN(C45)-FIND(" ",C45,1)),FIND(" ",RIGHT(C45,LEN(C45)-FIND(" ",C45,1)),1))

Excel Shortcuts - Split Forename and Surname

The following formula are useful when you have one cell containing text which needs to be split up.

One of the most common examples of this is when a persons Forename and Surname are entered in full into a cell.
The formula use various text functions to accomplish the task.Each of the techniques uses the space between the names to identify where to split.
  • Finding the First Name
Full Name
First Name
Alan Jones
 =LEFT(C14,FIND(" ",C14,1))
Bob Smith
 =LEFT(C15,FIND(" ",C15,1))
Carol Williams
 =LEFT(C16,FIND(" ",C16,1))

  • Finding the Last Name
  • Full Name
    Last Name
    Alan Jones
     =RIGHT(C22,LEN(C22)-FIND(" ",C22))
    Bob Smith
     =RIGHT(C23,LEN(C23)-FIND(" ",C23))
    Carol Williams
     =RIGHT(C24,LEN(C24)-FIND(" ",C24))

  • Finding the Last name when a Middle name is present
The formula above cannot handle any more than two names.
If there is also a middle name, the last name formula will be incorrect.
To solve the problem you have to use a much longer calculation.
Full Name
Last Name
Alan David Jones
Bob John Smith
Carol Susan Williams
 =RIGHT(C37,LEN(C37)-FIND("#",SUBSTITUTE(C37," ","#",LEN(C37)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(C37," ","")))))

Tuesday, 5 March 2019

What is Human Resource Planning – HRP

Human resource planning is the process by which an organization ensure that it has the right number of and kind of people or resources ,at the right phase, at the right time , capable or effectively and efficient completing those task that will help the organization to achieve its overall objectives.
   Objective/Purpose/Scope of Human resource planning
  • 1.       Forecast personnel requirements
  • 2.       Cope with changes
  • 3.       Use existing manpower
  • 4.       Promote to employees in a systematic way
  • 5.       Identify the forecast Demand
  • 6.       Forecast supply
  • 7.       Identify the supply market
  • 8.       Provide right people with right capabilities at right time and at right place.


Workday and Networkday Day Excel Function

In this video, you will learn about two very important Excel functions: WORKDAY and NETWORKDAYS. These functions are incredibly useful for a...